Breaking Down Walls With Bankruptcy

I purposely chose to be a bankruptcy lawyer.  While not the most lucrative area of law to practice in, I do find it satisfying and fulfilling to help individuals and families get their lives in order.

I enjoy the opportunity to provide people in my community with a fresh start and a new outlook.

By choosing to be a bankruptcy lawyer, I conscientiously opted out of being a family lawyer.  When I embarked on this journey to help people with their debt, I did not realize how much of an impact I could have on people’s personal relationships.

Being in debt is not only a financial burden but is a terrible strain on physical and mental health.  It can create toxic stress, depression and there is much factual evidence that financial struggles lead to separation and ultimately marriage dissolution.


 I recently spoke with a friend about some financial trouble that she and her husband are having.  They are involved in a failing business that has the potential to drag their personal finances down.

The problem revolves around their inability to communicate openly about their financial struggles.  He is busy trying to save a failing business while she is working full time to make sure the family stays afloat.  

He doesn’t want to discuss the problems they are having because this would mean accepting the fact that their business is failing and what that means for their financial future.  

They are isolated from each other and the mounting debt is driving a wedge deeper and deeper into their marriage.  


 It is so difficult for people to talk about their finances.  It’s almost a taboo.  Think about your friends and family and whether you really know anything about their finances?  According to a Wells Fargo study, almost half of all Americans find conversations about money are the most difficult to have.  

I have found that consulting with individuals and couples about their financial struggles really helps people open up about their finances.  A weight gets lifted and the rehabilitation begins.

Bankruptcy is not right for everyone.  You won’t know whether it is until you consult with a bankruptcy lawyer and discuss what that looks like for you.

I do know that taking the steps to find out can be therapeutic and healing.  Being able to speak openly and freely about your financial struggles shines a light into that dark.  

I advised my friend and her husband to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer.  Staying isolated and non-communicative is only going to drive that wedge further between them.  I am hoping that they meet with an attorney, talk openly and come up with a plan for their finances that will close the widening gap between them.