Tuning Out The Noise

The way we interact with others and consume information has changed dramatically over the past ten to fifteen years.  It is becoming more and more difficult to tune out unwanted noise and filter information.

When we are unsure of something, we look for advice and not surprisingly, people are more than willing to give it.  In fact, the evolution of social media has birthed millions of experts whom you can access with a few simple swipes and touches.    

I believe this new digital existence and overconsumption of information is hurting us in many ways.  

Self-proclaimed experts will give advice or offer assistance that will be detrimental.  I see this all the time in my practice with my clients.

I have seen the positive impact bankruptcy can have.  With the rapid acceleration towards cultural openness, I am still disheartened that bankruptcy is consistently presented in a negative light with stigma strongly attached.  

Speak to a Professional

Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision.  I truly believe that the individuals I meet with have a lot of courage to even make it into my office.  

Through speaking with my clients, I am shocked by the misinformation being spread about the bankruptcy process and its implications on long term financial health.  This misinformation seems to come from all angles including “experts” on social media, friends, family and even financial advisers.  Unfortunately, this seemingly unstoppable spread of stigmatizing information only helps the impenetrable banks and hurts you, the struggling consumer.   

Countless individuals have walked through my door with extreme trepidation because of something they read on Facebook or Twitter.   In this extremely noisy digital environment where we are constantly bombarded with information and marketing, it is hard to filter right from wrong.

I can speak to the individuals and families that have been able to tune out the noise and realize a positive outcome from the bankruptcy process.  I cannot speak to countless others that never sought the help they truly needed.

If you are struggling with debt, try to step out of the digital bubble and into the office of an experienced bankruptcy attorney for a consultation.  Most attorneys offer a free consultation and the information you will receive is priceless.